As provided by the table and the note given by the comparative Olive production statistics in Turkey and abroad. Data based on official data. |
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The production of olives in the country is 420.000, in the industry is 55 000, in the marketing is 25.00 and 500.000 of households have direct income, in the Mediterranean region the olives provides millions of families direct and indirect revenues. |
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Production of olives in 2009 in Turkey amounted to 1,290,654 tons. Of these, 389,120 tonnes for consumption and 737,244 tons for oil, and 147,491 tons were received olive oil. These data account for about 10% of the production of olives in Turkey and 5% olive oil production. |
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According to 2009 about 18 million tons of olive oil produced worldwide, of whom 98% in the countries of the Mediterranean regions and the EU member states, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Syria, Morocco, Portugal, France and Algeria, are major producing countries. |
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The Spain is the world leader in the production of olives, Italy on second place, Greece on third place and Turkey on fourth place. |
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Turkey is among the world's countries - producers of olives, ranked fifth by the presence of olive trees and the fourth largest producer. In Turkey Yield per tree is very low compared to competing countries. |
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In Turkey, with each tree is going to 9-10 kg, in Spain is 25 kg, in Italy is around 30 kg. The reason is improper maintenance, pruning, during treatment and at harvest time. Despite the fact that our country holds for the production of olives, among other international countries, the precarious situation in the production is negative affect for. |
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According to statistics 2009, there are 150.751.495 olive tree in Turkey. In 2009, 107.620. 097 olive trees can produce fruit, 43.131. 398 of olive trees can not give fruit. |
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According to statistics 2009, the worldwide production is expected to 2.925 million tons of olive oil in 2010. |
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During these periods 01/01/2009-31/12/2009 in Turkey were exported to 43.115. 093.530 kg of black olives and the income in dollars 52.656.554.0610. During the same period, exports of green olives was kg and the income in dollars During this same period, exports of olive oil was 25.550.099.937 kg and the income in dollars amounted to 84.98.956.8500. |
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Consumption of olive oil per person in the Greece is 21 kg, in the Italy is 11 kg, in the Spain is 10 kg, in the Tunisia is 10 kg, in the Syria is 6.2 kg, in the Portugal is 5 kg and in the Turkey is 1 kg. |
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In recent years our country has imported liquid oil in the amount of 2.500.000.000 dollars. |
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In Turkey, in 1984. there was one continuous system and the 1500 classic press system. In 1995, the continuous system was 132 pieces. Beginning in 2009, was found 800 pieces of a continuous system and ranging from 30000 to 60000 t / day. About 70% of the production of olives in the functioning of the modem and olive oil are processed in factories. |
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According to 2009. Turkey of the total production of olives is 65.55% for oil, and 34.45% for consumption. |